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Foreign Exchange? - 02-17-2008, 08:31 AM

Hiya ^^

I really want to do this: International Academic Student Program - Study abroad, live with a Japanese family in Osaka, Japan my senior year of high school, right now I'm a freshman. I was wondering if anyone could give me advice about how to go about this, and to earn enough money for the full year's tuition. Also, what would be a good way to go about seeing if my school would accept it as a year so I'd get my high school credits, because no matter how badly I want to do this, I can't do it if it will keep me from gratuating. ^^;;; Last thing for now, what would be the best way to convince my parents to agree to it assuming the school would count it and I could earn all of the money or at least most of it?

Thanks. ^_^ Also, sorry if I'm asking stuff people have already asked, I tried surfing around on here to get some info but I wasn't having a huge amount of luck so I desided to make my own thread.

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