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samurai007 (Offline)
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02-17-2008, 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by Fullmoon View Post
Hiya ^^

I really want to do this: International Academic Student Program - Study abroad, live with a Japanese family in Osaka, Japan my senior year of high school, right now I'm a freshman. I was wondering if anyone could give me advice about how to go about this, and to earn enough money for the full year's tuition. Also, what would be a good way to go about seeing if my school would accept it as a year so I'd get my high school credits, because no matter how badly I want to do this, I can't do it if it will keep me from gratuating. ^^;;; Last thing for now, what would be the best way to convince my parents to agree to it assuming the school would count it and I could earn all of the money or at least most of it?

Thanks. ^_^ Also, sorry if I'm asking stuff people have already asked, I tried surfing around on here to get some info but I wasn't having a huge amount of luck so I desided to make my own thread.
Well, ask your parents first. If they say yes, then maybe they can help you with the finances too. If they say no, there's not too much point getting the money and asking the school. It's likely, though, they might give you a conditional yes, depending upon whether it counts for graduation. I believe foreign exchange years typically do count for graduation, assuming you can take any specific classes you need over there, or an equivalent. (For instance, if Calculus is a graduation requirement at your school, then if you took it overseas, it would probably still count. But if you took other classes instead, I don't know that the school would forgive the Calculus requirement.) So, I'd say go to your school's office and tell them you are looking into a foreign exchange program (bring along as much detail on the school as you can), and ask them who is best there to talk to to make sure you still graduate on time. (Different schools have different positions... my school had an Academic Advisor who handled such questions, but I don't know if your school does.)

JET Program, 1996-98, Wakayama-ken, Hashimoto-shi

Link to pictures from my time in Japan
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