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02-17-2008, 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Well, ask your parents first. If they say yes, then maybe they can help you with the finances too. If they say no, there's not too much point getting the money and asking the school. It's likely, though, they might give you a conditional yes, depending upon whether it counts for graduation. I believe foreign exchange years typically do count for graduation, assuming you can take any specific classes you need over there, or an equivalent. (For instance, if Calculus is a graduation requirement at your school, then if you took it overseas, it would probably still count. But if you took other classes instead, I don't know that the school would forgive the Calculus requirement.) So, I'd say go to your school's office and tell them you are looking into a foreign exchange program (bring along as much detail on the school as you can), and ask them who is best there to talk to to make sure you still graduate on time. (Different schools have different positions... my school had an Academic Advisor who handled such questions, but I don't know if your school does.)
Well I spoke with my mom about it and she seems to be fine with it, but she said that she and my dad can't help me with the finances for it, and that I can't have my grandma help me either because for that kind of money it would go to my college-ness, and my grandma is already going to help me pay for college when I go to it. So the only way I might be able to earn the money is to ebay stuff off, work a part time job during the week days, babysit weekends, and work my ass off with odd jobs and things during the summer. Do you think that might get me enough money? Also, if I could find a scholorship thing and go that way to lower the cost, do you think they'd be willing to go for that school? Yeah..I'm kind of set on going to that school.. ^^;;
As for requirements, I don't need calculus to graduate, actually, I'm finishing out my required math credits a year early because I took my first required year of high school math when I was in the 8th grade.
As for discussing with the school, would maybe talking to my school's councelor who also handles classes and credits and whatnot and also my advisory teacher (who's also my semi-evil math teacher) be good?
Thanks for your help ^_^

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