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(#6 (permalink))
Harold (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 316
Join Date: Jul 2007
02-17-2008, 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by Fullmoon View Post
Well I spoke with my mom about it and she seems okay with it, but my parents can't help me pay for it, and she doesn't want me to ask my grandma because she's going to help me with college. ((I wasn't planning on checking with grandma though, I'm trying to earn it on my own)). Those all sound like good programs as well. I'm pretty much set on the all girls high school in Osaka though. ^^;; And yeah, I had a feeling it would be too late to register this year. But I'm still a freshman, I want to do this senior year, so I need to go for the '10-'11 year. Do you think it would be possible to try to get a scholorship for that school? If so, what would be a good way to go about trying to get one? Any method that could make the cost a little cheaper would be loved. ^^ But yeah, on the earlier subject of parents, my mom thinks its kind of a pipe dream and that I would miss not spending senior year at my high school, but right now she's like "You can try to get the money for it if you'd like to" and whatnot because she knows that it's something I really want to do. Plus, she knows that I'd be safe over there because of the low crime rate and her bosses son lived in Japan for a while and has also told her about how safe it is there and whatnot.
Thank you for your help.
Good luck with getting the money for that. 890,000円 ($8250) is a LOT of money. That's about how much an American teenager will make in a year with a job. You could ask local business to sponsor your trip.

Also, take into account that will need spending money when you're there.

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