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02-17-2008, 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by Harold View Post
Good luck with getting the money for that. 890,000円 ($8250) is a LOT of money. That's about how much an American teenager will make in a year with a job. You could ask local business to sponsor your trip.

Also, take into account that will need spending money when you're there.
I know that it is a lot of money, but I'm still going to try. And I understand that I'd also need spending money which is why I want to try to earn at least 10,000 dollars... ^^;; Only problem is I'd also need plane tickets and that stuff soooo...=/
I'm planning to work my butt off to earn the money. I'm trying to get an internship which will take care of my community service (school requirement) and it will also count as job experience so then I will have better luck with being hired. I don't know if any of the businesses here would be willing to sponser the trip because it's a small town and that would be a lot of money for a business here as well. ^^;;

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