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alcachino33 (Offline)
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Join Date: Feb 2008
English Teachers...what next? - 02-19-2008, 01:18 AM

Hi, I'm still a freshman in college but I'm very interested in teaching in Japan for however long... So I've heard what you've all had to say about the life, the pay, the experience, etc, but I'm very curious to know what you do after that? Do you go back to wherever you are from and teach Japanese? Or do you work in other jobs?

I was looking into teaching English for two years or so...however long I want. The current permanent profession I have in my sights is publishing...whether it is with children's books in NYC or manga in's all dandy to me! But I am wondering how many diverse professions former teachers have.

What would also be nice is to know what you majored in...I'm probably majoring in English Rhetoric, but might throw in East Asian Studies...
...And do I need to minor in English as an International Language? Would that help me get the teaching job, or will they provide that training for me?

(So many questions! ごめん!)
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