Ikaga desu ka!?
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: My own Private Island ^^.
02-20-2008, 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by dannavy85
This has been a problem ever since political correctness and lax of standards began hitting US Forces in Japan after the Gulf War in 1991. I remember that my first command (USS Midway, 1985 ) had steel teeth when it came to disopline infractions involving out in town, hell my first Command Master Chief was a member of the 1945-1953 forces of occupation and if he got to you when you screwed up out in town....you were f**ing dead!
Incidents like these would be far more rare if none if commanders and NCO's were allowed to kick the s***t out of these little punk a**ses they let in the military now.
And what's so damn sad about this latest event, the offender was a Marine Staff Sergent.
Bust him to private and make him break rocks!
Hell Yea! well we can still beat them but now that peoples familys started breathing down our necks talking about how its not HUMAin the way we treat them WTFE. Anyways Its getting even stricter now on how we treat new people since there sending Cia all around the base >.< because of another rape case involving a marine and marine in new mexico.
Sometimes people are just power crazy though you've seen this right, you know why they do it. When opportunity reveals itself we waste no time in useing it.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.