Originally Posted by thalia
Lol, yeah Johnny is creepy I mean honestly, why are there absolutely no pictures of him anywhere?? Does he even EXIST??
Actually there was this one video I saw on youtube that was of all these Juniours doing gymnastics on a tv show, and they kept on cutting to this old guy in the audience...I was like "IS THAT JOHNNY??" But he was very old. Though I guess if you added it all up Johnny would have to be in his 70s or something now, so, yeah. Ew.
Has anyone ever heard of Japanese magazines like Wink Up or Potato, which are basically filled with guys from JE? So. Cool.
Ha, I love that! "Does he even exist!"
haha same here! Yeah, I really want to get a magazine when I go to Japan, it will be the first thing I buy there, a mag with NEWS on the cover! *dies*