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Juno (Offline)
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life - 02-20-2008, 05:21 AM

Well i love anime and there are times where it does become what my life revolves around but then i snap back into reality because i've noticed that when i let everything revolve around anime i block off everything and everyone else and i've actually lost some friends because of it lol. I guess its all about balance, [if your not going to go into it as a career that is]there should be a balance between the "anime world" and reality so that one isnt lost because of the other. I have seen the people who let everything revolve around anime but they dont go into it as a career and what i've noticed about them is they have lost all social skills whatsoever because they block themselves off and get completely caught up in fantasy worlds, thats where it would be a problem. Unless you meet someone equally as obsessed and lost in it and they understand your lack of social skills. Then i guess thats the exception.

haha im just rambling, sorry.

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[looks at apple]
And you're super apple!

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