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Juno (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 129
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: U.S [Illinois] i should be in Aus though lol. ;D
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B - 02-20-2008, 06:01 AM

I guess it depends on where you live. I actually wish i was born a boy [but im straight lol] because people are much more leniant when it comes to guy and fashion where i live. a guy can get away with anything here but a girl gets called a stupid goth chick or a slut, and anything anime is considered lame. I would actually like to do alot of guy fashion but i guess i would be called a lesbian for life haha. Why does this have to be so complicated??

Christopher McCandless: I'm Supertramp.
[looks at apple]
And you're super apple!

I only know i belong where you are: LolitaLover!
Little Brother:Auran!
Little Sister:Joanna!
Crazy Little Sister:LuLu!
Twin Sister:ItalianLeather!
The Crazy Maid:Kiyuga!
The Naughty Lil Sister:xtine!
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