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02-07-2007, 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by Ash View Post
I'm not in Japan, I'm not living in Japan, but when I visited I wasn't the 8-day-in-Tokyo type either. I lived it, I saw real Japan, and here's what I didn't like:
There are no vans. There's nothing in between a car and a lorry. Very odd. The weather was terrible, very similar to the British weather. I found the roads to be slightly ridiculous too, lots of winding curves adding so many unnecessary miles to every journey. Don't even get me started on the bloody food. The age limit for tobacco, you can't smoke until you're 20 years old - that's silly, but of course it has a great upside too, the cigarettes come from vending machines which anyone can use, and they're so so cheap. They're about a quarter of the price in Japan as in England, so can't complain there unless I got caught being underage. I'll come up with some more later.

"There are no vans. There's nothing in between a car and a lorry. Very odd."
Yeah to you maybe,but just because they don't have it doesn't mean that they are or the country is odd.
And if you go there you should right from the start know about the weather and the food.
And the tobacco, isn't that just good?
I don't know what you knew before you went to japan really. maybe you should have stayed home?

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