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(#319 (permalink))
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Juno (Offline)
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02-21-2008, 04:18 AM

Originally Posted by Sheepy View Post
i dont know about cry, but wolf's rain made me want to kill myself lol.

the voice action was superb. the story could have been shaped and taken in many different ways but i thoroughly enjoyed it. i just had to pace myself
Wolf's Rain made me cry for sure lol and Paradise Kiss and i didnt cry at the end of Kill Me Kiss Me but i was really pissed off and it made me want to kill myself. i cry easily when it comes to sad anime/manga endings.

Christopher McCandless: I'm Supertramp.
[looks at apple]
And you're super apple!

I only know i belong where you are: LolitaLover!
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Little Sister:Joanna!
Crazy Little Sister:LuLu!
Twin Sister:ItalianLeather!
The Crazy Maid:Kiyuga!
The Naughty Lil Sister:xtine!
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