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Juno (Offline)
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02-21-2008, 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by Amnell View Post
Sometimes getting the point across isn't the only point... In any case, it's just a pain in the ass to read an unpunctuated document when it has perfect spelling and otherwise perfect grammar.

Honestly, I don't typically bug people about this kind of stuff online because I realize that most people on bbs's and chats are just lazy (I know I used to be). This time, though.... I just had to say something, 'cause that was bad.

Meh, I don't wanna make a big deal out of it. It was just a suggestion. He did, afterall, ask me what I was thinking .
Thats understandable. I tend to forget punctuation when im ranting though so it doesnt bother me lol. As long as i can understand what they are trying to get across im fine with it, if i cant understand it i will probably bug them about it haha.

Christopher McCandless: I'm Supertramp.
[looks at apple]
And you're super apple!

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