JF Old Timer
Posts: 129
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: U.S [Illinois] i should be in Aus though lol. ;D
02-21-2008, 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by NonStopReaper
lol dude theres like tons of guys in the military you gotta be more specfic like what branch? what rank? where is he station ect.
yeah tattoo.... people might think i'm in the yakuza i am in the process of getting my whole back done. both of my arms are already tatted up lol people alwyas give me wierd looks -_-
haha nevermind, i have no idea lol all he said before he left was "im joining the military" and then he called a few days ago
to tell me one of his legs got blown off.
weird looks for having tattoo's?! thats weird in itself lol. I have two tattoos and im designing one right now but i've been working on it for like a year, im a perfectionist when it comes to my tattoos lol.
Christopher McCandless: I'm Supertramp.
[looks at apple]
And you're super apple!
I only know i belong where you are: LolitaLover!
Little Brother: Auran!
Little Sister: Joanna!
Crazy Little Sister: LuLu!
Twin Sister: ItalianLeather!
The Crazy Maid: Kiyuga!
The Naughty Lil Sister: xtine!