02-21-2008, 09:53 PM
Hi i'm new-ish here, I stumbled upon this website a couple months ago and read every single post of this thread (yes all 55 pages of it). It's not till now that i decieded to join. As i was reading through some of the post I read that a poster could get a plane ticket for $200 from Los Angeles to Tokyo on a good day. I just wanted to know is there a site?
So any of you know any great airfare deals out there or a really good website?
As for fingerprinting people coming into Japan. I heard this was due to hostilities between the US and Japans opposition to the war. So in the near future you might have to get your photo and fingerprint taken to go to Japan. Personally I don't think it's right. I mean i've never commited a crime but if that's the price to pay to visit then oh well.