Originally Posted by iamjenii
For a lot of people and where they grow up, it's also by preference. Most Asians grow up on chop sticks. It's not like we don't use other utensils, it really also depends on the food. And since most Asian cultures use chop sticks as a main utensil, much food is also centered around its usability.
I get lazy sometimes but most of the time, I'll use chop sticks for almost everything I eat.
lol i grew up using spoons and forks and chopsticks. while my parent just use chopsticks. i only use chop sticks soo i can reach across the table to get whatever foods over there. I use the spoon to eat my rice... i know i'm too americanized -_- i always have a spoon,fork and chopstick. but when i eat out an certain places i use chopsticks