Originally Posted by hypekstatic
Wait... who said we don't use spoons??
How would we eat soup? lolll
Well I'm pretty sure that before asians even realized
what a fork was, they thought of chopsticks. It's like the most
simplistic of eating utensils, but of course it's much harder to use them
than forks because a fork is a more complicated made utensil which leads to
a easier use of it. Well thats my theory anyway... as for confucious and all
that, i don't know. I just know that Chinese used it first then korea and japan.
I can't use chopsticks correctly xP so when I go eat with my grandparents
who are traditional, they smack me in the head T_T but trying to use it
the right way is really hard for me cuz im used to the way i hold them.
either way, i eat with chopsticks most of the time, the only time i dont is
at american restaurants. when i get lazy though i just use one stick and
poke the food xD HA (ps, koreans use metal chopsticks [well i dont lol] and it is freaking hard!)
yeah, i grew up using chopsticks too! but i also don't hold them correctly. BUT HEY, THAT WORKS FINE WITH ME.
I do use other utensils but its mainly spoons and chopsticks.
I go back to Hong Kong or Malaysia and it's really embarassing because my younger cousins can hold chopsticks better than i do.
*hangs head in shame*