Originally Posted by Neffiline
I was born and raised in a french canadian family, and then learned english through school.
Your nationality far outweighs your actual fluency in English. The JET program pulls people from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds (Finnish, South American, New Zealanders, etc.). Your personality is also more important than your accent. If anything, having a unique cultural heritage and attractive accent is going to aid you in selling yourself and setting yourself apart from the masses.
Furthermore, there are high schools in Japan that have French programs. There is an eikaiwa chain (named Maple something) that specializes in teaching French and English. Being bilingual in English and French, you couldn't be more attractive to any language school in Japan. And if JET won't take you (they would be crazy not to), rest assured you can get a good job with comparable salary very easily.
Don't hide it, you want to emphasize your dual language abilities and unique cultural background! And, you need to teach me French...