Originally Posted by Miyavifan
My workplace is only netflix. It's pretty casual. There was one girl there who had dreads, and what could have been a gauge in her ear. so... I think it would be ok.
ah, yes....
still more, please?
And I get to see them live. I just hope I can use my digital camera, instead of either my camera phone, or a disposable camera.
The camera in my phone takes crappy pics in the dark, or even near dark. Nothing shows up.
Would a concert be too dark?
oh, ok ^__^ pretty lenient dress policy then

one thing I like about Target XD since my ears are gauged.
Have you checked the Taste of Chaos site to see if you can bring in a digital camera? or on Ticketmaster? they usually have it on a site detailing what you can and cannot bring to the shows.
more piccus!