Originally Posted by Haggis
This is great news! You know the Japanese turn out really rubbish films such as Godzilla, Ring, Dark Water and The Grudge, but thankfully the Americans turn them into films really worth watching. Personally I'm looking forward to a Hollywood version of Visitor Q.
american version of Dark Water was worst remake I ever seen in my life i think it was like some kind of comedy...
btw back on track.. AKIRA ;] i also cant imagine this movie in other way than 100% CGI... to put in that movie spirit of the anime version they gonna have to make real miracle. and i really hope that there will be no veteran actors there it would be great if that film was fresh and diffrent from all of this crap what is called movies today. The best thing what could happen is AKIRA is a great succes and there is big come back of SCI-FI movies with great scenarios like Blade Runner or even movies like Gattaca or Equilibrium. ;]