Originally Posted by thedarklord
I'm from Pennsylvania but I currently live in Illinois - Chicago to be exact. I like living in a big city and having things within walking distance. I actually lost a lot of weight from all the walking I do. I also like living up high as I'm on the 15th floor.
I really enjoy manga and anime. I watch anime almost every day and I read manga at least two days a week (usually more). Obviously those are my obsessions (plus chocolate!).
My other hobbies include going to plays, comedy shows, and movies. I'm pretty much a person who likes to sit back and be entertained.
I also like being on forums and learning about other people. People can be so interesting!
i live in Chicago too! well like 10 minutes out of chicago lol. i love how everything is in walking distance, like i always see all the people taking cabs to places that are right around the corner and im like "why spend the money"
Your lucky! I wish i could watch anime everyday but i dropped out of highschool because i got into art school so now i have to go to 2 schools, one to get credit for my diploma and art school lol. not enough time in a day!!
People are very interesting especially when you see how different everyone is and how they are similar to you or how they differ or just hearing about how they live lol.