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02-22-2008, 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by dirtybob View Post
I have to agree with Yinnie here. Japan may seem like the perfect place for you, but remember that people everywhere are just people. For every soft and cute aspect, like Hello Kitty, there is a dark side.

I read a while back about a Nihongin who asked an American woman to his place to have a private English lesson. If I remember correctly they found her dead in his bathroom days later.

Your enthusiasm is great, but dial it down a bit and research a little more before you jump in with both feet. I too would like to live and work in Japan. So, i have been reading all I can about it, both the good and the bad. Also, like me you might want to plan a semi-long stay there just to get the feel for the place.

People here and on other boards/blogs have said over and over that working Japan as an English teacher can be done by almost any native English speaker. But trying to find work in another field requires a high knowledge of both written and spoken Japanese.

Just some things to think about.

From the sounds of things you're talking about the NOVA teacher that was killed last year, I did my training with her and she came at the same time I did and I always say to myself "Could have been me"

Still here though but just for details sake.

It wasn't a student per-say, there was a man who had been stalking her for a while and she had filed a police report about him however he had not assaulted her simply followed her home. So the police did nothing.
He finally mustered up enough english to ask her for a lesson and accorind to her roommate in hopes of making him piss off she agree'd.

She was not dumb about it, they met in a public place on a day where she had to go to work afterward so if she was late, she would soon be missed.

Somehow he convinced her to come to his apartment.
(One of my co-workers speculates he "Forgot" the money to pay her so she followed him home since he lived nearby)
She was assaulted in the parking lot of the apartment and found the next day in a bathtub on the balcony filled with sand. (not the bathroom)

The killer while apprehended by the police TWICE is still at large.

I have great faith in fools -- self confidence my friends call it. -- Edgar Allan Poe
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