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typing (Offline)
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Location: Adachi,Tokyo, Japan
02-22-2008, 07:20 PM

Ooh baby ooh baby

Cut my teeth on that stuff, I've got Archie, Garfeild, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, X-men, Gambit issue #1, Wolvereen, and the new Runaways which is pretty good.
I do it underground too as I've got some olf american B&W comics that I can't remember the name of now (One involves a smoking rabbit and a goose)
Sandman and some other Neil Gaiman creation about God and Angels.
I love those old school comics.

My love of Manga comes from that, and in that the Japanese comics have a new and different story to tell. My fave manga is always the stuff that has that american dark story feel. "Monster" and "20th century boys" but at the same time characters that are more diverse then the american Bad Guy Vs Good Guy.

I have great faith in fools -- self confidence my friends call it. -- Edgar Allan Poe
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