Thread: Alice Nine
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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02-22-2008, 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by JRockaddict View Post
@MiyaviFan: kk. i need to finish mai other ones anyways
@Daidai: ur right, they do seem a bit weird....but SagaXNao would be cute!
cool. I can't wait to read yours.

NaoXHiro weird?

Originally Posted by adina View Post
@jrockaddict: ieiii...more nao and pon ff's
and yeshuuu nao and saga are cute indeed
thay're both silly and childish and nao with his pouts is adorkable
@Miyavifan: pon and pooh awwiiiiieees~ sweet
I don't think I've seen his pouts, but his smiles are love.

cute, isn't it?

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....
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