Kiryu-sama's wife...
Posts: 178
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: where ever Kiryu-sama is...
02-23-2008, 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by hentailover92
well its okay for dubs though but i hate the way miyuki souds and how they pronounce tsukasa and luckystar T.T i will never watch the dub because as a japanese otaku i have my own principles to follow
I'm so happy it's going to be out in dvd**I can buy it!**but I'm going to be watching it in sub only, cause I already watch the first 3 episodes in sub. thank you for the link phishn37:marsmile:
I don't like the dub if I already heard the japanese, it too werid after
ViCe PrEz Of ThE ZeRo LuVeRs ClUb My JF Family ~+MeMbEr Of ThE vAmPiRe ClAn+~ **Owner of Zero-sama**