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02-23-2008, 06:02 AM

Originally Posted by Amnell View Post
Um... There's a reason there's no answer: that's a totally subjective question. It's like asking someone why they prefer Chinese food to Mexican, or why one guy prefers big breasts and another the athletic look.

Personally, I don't look for anything in an anime. I watch the first few episodes and if I get drawn into it, I watch it. I approach books the same way.

I can't think of who it was, but an author once said something like this:

When I look for a book, I only read the first sentence--if I'm not captured in the first sentence, then odds are the rest of the book isn't worth reading.

For me, it's the same with anime. If I'm not interested by the end of the first episode, it's done.

LOL, my teacher said that qoute. im just being genral, Plus there is a answer 4 everything. sum answers r just harder to explain than other hence out personal preferances.

u do what i do when finding sumthing new. ironic
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