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02-24-2008, 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post

And I disagree with you.

How does a baby learn to speak any language? They don`t comprehend *anything* at first, and the entire world is new to them... But yet, a typical child will learn to speak fluently in about 3 years.
i think the thing with that is that when your born there, you know nothing and you learn from listening and all that. but when youre already fluent in a language, you have all these words already drilled into your memory, and when you try to learn a language at an older age, its harder to see "summer" as "natsu" since your already so use to it as "summer." now, i didn't say it was impossible, just harder.

you wanna know how bad the movie is?

picture titanic....with no boat.
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