02-24-2008, 02:24 PM
haven, u could also contact a immigration solicitor (lawyer).
please be aware that that they might want to charge u for whatever help they provide u.
warning, totally off-topic!
perhaps i should become a more frequent visitor here.
for making fun of me, u r more than welcome to do that, i have indeed deserved it.
however on to the more objective responses. i have not stated anywhere that i am an expert on how to become a japanese citizen. i have no experience of it nor do i work for or as a immigration solicitor. that is why i am referring to actual sources. the law from MoJ is difficult to question i reckon u will have to agree with, the source of Mr Artwinkle (?) is i believe (!) rather trustworthy. had i been an expert i would have told it in my own words.
tenchu, would u believe me if i said i wasn't? (as someone u were referring to earlier in the post) addition after tenchu replied below: tenchu, try this. compare me with the person u think i am! it seemed from the very brief description that he was arrogant and wrong, however while i am arrogant i am not wrong.
anrakushi, i loved ur reply, mind if i nick it? speaking of "nick", if ppl find me arrogant, what do they think of ur nick?
Last edited by blimp : 02-24-2008 at 03:15 PM.
Reason: added "immigration solicitor" part