Hi guys,
This might be an unusual question to ask, but I'll ask it anyway! ha ha!
I currently live and work in the UK, travelling to Tokyo/Chiba as often as I can to spend time with my girlfriend and learn japanese, integrate with japanese society, so on and so forth.
The situation with UK citizens at the moment is that we are given leave to stay in Japan for 3 months at a time as visitors (promising therefore not to take up paid employment whilst we are there etc etc) These 3 month visas can be extended to 9 months on application of an extension whilst in Japan.
I have recently been offered a new job working on rotation offshore in the UK, this job would mean I work for 2 weeks off the coast of the UK and have 3 weeks R&R - Are there therefore any issues with me simply living in Japan on the 3 month landing visa for the 3 out of 5 weeks? I would be registered and working in the UK so I don't think tehres an issue with it?
I understand that to apply for naturalisation you have to have demonstrated 5 years of continious law-abiding living in Japan, will my status as a "frequent visitor prevent me from applying for such naturalisation?
In the instance of the above method resulting in failure of naturalisation, can someone please clarify what the rules are regarding foreign spouses if my girlfriend and I got married?
My apologies if this question has been covered by previous posters as i am a very new member!