Thread: Cat Girl Nikki?
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Kayci (Offline)
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Cat Girl Nikki? - 02-25-2008, 12:18 AM

Please tell me that's not a live-action hentai.
I got it at Rasputins, 'cause they have a BUTTTLOOOAD OF asian movies, mostly J-horror and drama, which I need a break from and this looked like a pretty modern romantic comedy....and the cover looked cute, so I got it.

On the way home...I notice finally that it says on back, 'Recommended for mature audiences'
I'm seventeen...sooner or later i'm bound to see this kind of stuff in movies.
...rather it be later.

So tell me, is it too bad in that department, or is it something that happens as a side, but is not totally the focus?

I rather know before I watch it, or give it to a friend who looooovess hentai like a fat kid loves cake. (sorry for the sentence, but it's true...)

OH I am an idiot. It's "KIKI" not, Nikki. -_- I was thinking of something else as I was typing the title. -_-;;;
Any way to Fix the title? -_-;;;;
Supposed to be "Cat Girl Kiki".

Coffee prevents me from killing you.

Last edited by Kayci : 02-25-2008 at 12:52 AM. Reason: Thread title is not the name of movie I speak of + Edit font too big
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