Thread: Love Poems
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Powermad147 (Offline)
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Love Poems - 02-25-2008, 05:52 AM

Share with me your poetry of love! Sad, happy, profound, silly, ironic or straightforward! Just as long as it potrays your feelings on love ^_^


I stare blankly at the broad smile before me, brown eye's that shine like copper. You twist and turn to a beat that no one else seems to hear, skirt down on your ankles fraying in the wind, and I only watch from the outside. What am I to you? I wonder as I search your smile for the answer. Why do you talk to me? Smile for me? Is it love? No, I say, life is not so fair. But still I smile back.
Because I am in love.
I'm sure you notice; the falter in my step, the change in my expressions. I am not who I am with you, I am who I've always wanted to be. And yet you are so very much the same. What am I worth to you, why can't I think straight? Why is it that all I hear is sex, sex, sex, yet when I see you all I can think is holding hands? What does that mean? And why, I ask desperately, as the intentions behind those brown eye's that shine like copper fall slowly out of my view.
Why is it you?

An example by me. ^_^

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