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anrakushi (Offline)
Posts: 351
Join Date: Dec 2007
02-26-2008, 12:25 PM

i just learn mine according to the JLTP schedule. so for level 4 you need to know a certain 100 characters, work your way through them. for level 3 you need to know another 200, so work your way through them. for level 2 you need to know another 600, so work your way through them. that is how i do it..

perhaps not the most efficient but i learn the characters through vocabulary. so for say JLPT 4 there are words in the vocabulary you should learn for that level that use those 100 kanji. by level 2 kanji level you can find 4 or 5 words in the level 2 vocabulary list that use that particular kanji you are learning. for example 舞:仕舞う、見舞う、舞う、舞台、振舞う
so you learn your new vocabulary with your kanji.

i make sure i write all these words and learn to write them, not just recognise them.
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