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02-26-2008, 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by konachan
I know that the anime series has sour ending...(i actually stopped watching it)
Have you watched the Full Metal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala? It concludes what the series has taken off.
Spoiler: At the end, Ed and Alfonse were together, but they can't go back to their "original world". They are living together in the "parallel world" or in literal, the world we live now, where they can't use alchemy or any sort of magic.
Another anime series i love but had frustrations in it is BLOOD +....
The anime has a great storyline but its sad that, at the end, Saya have to take her 30 years slumber, and have to leave her friends and colleagues, and wouldn't see the lives and the transition of the ever changing world. She wouldn't see her twin niece grow, and she wouldn't see Kai grow old..hahaha!!!!
But i just love their Chevaliers, Haji and Solomon...bishie! bishie!
ok i'll stop..hahaha!
yes I watched it =3 OMG with movie it was a good end of the serie!!!
ギャー(*0*((◎—————ー(°°; ) スッポヌケ〜
✿ あなた だけ が みれば いい... 狂気と真実は紙一重 ✿
そして坊やは眠りについて 息衝く灰の中の炎ひとつ、ふたつと 浮かぶふくらみ愛しい横顔 大地に垂るる幾千の夢、夢 銀の瞳のゆら(◕‿‿◕ )
It's a thin line between genius and stupidity. Once you cross it there is no going back!! Luckily I have tippex and a pen so I can just redraw it where I like!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA =_=