Thread: Alice Nine
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MelfinaPan (Offline)
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02-27-2008, 12:14 AM

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
Haha, I don't any of the other owners either, besides me.
*checks Claimed thread*
For some reason, I feel like Carry owns Shou... but I'm probably wrong. XD

This makes me laugh. XD
I think she owns part of him and shares with someone else. I forget who though.
I had to look up that HeyX3 appearance on Youtube after seeing that post. Nao got beat up a lot lol. I wish someone would subtitle it.


Illustrious Keeper of Plastic Tree (Arimura Ryutaro, Hasegawa Tadashi, Nakayama Akira, and Sasabuchi Hiroshi)

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