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Cutetwirler (Offline)
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Nagoya, Japan
02-27-2008, 12:36 AM

Originally Posted by Hatredcopter View Post
I've heard of ALTs switching to CIRs, but I don't think it's that commonplace. Perhaps it was more common when you were a JET, jason. On a CIR forum that I read from time-to-time, I never hear about anyone switching from ALT to CIR, it's always a new applicant going directly for CIR -- something that I'm doing right now, in fact. I just had my interview at the Japanese consulate in Chicago.

As far as JLPT Level 2, I don't believe its an actual requirement to be a CIR, but your Japanese should be roughly at that level. However, you should still definitely take it, as it will help out when you're applying. The CIR position is a lot harder to get than an ALT, and I think Japanese language skills is often the deciding factor. In my interview they had me read a couple articles from Japanese magazines and then they asked me questions about what I read... so you might do well to brush up on your reading skills by ordering a couple Japanese magazines or a newspaper.

Anyway, I won't know if I'm hired for a few months yet, but things look good
Thank you, fellow Nagoya person! Would you mind telling me the CIR forum you mentioned, please? I've been reading the Big Daikon and it's very useful. They said in there mainly about the interview in London (which is where I would take it) being all in Japanese, and, as you said, the two articles. I've not tried reading articles lately but I should give it a try soon..

Also, to the person above (I can't remember who) I'm currently in Japan, as an exchange student, so I use Japanese every day and in every day life here anyway. What I meant to say above is that I want a challenge with my Japanese and I think that I can get that if I use Japanese in the work place.
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