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Cutetwirler (Offline)
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Nagoya, Japan
02-27-2008, 03:48 AM

Originally Posted by Hatredcopter View Post
Here it is:

I believe they make you register to view the forum (but it is free).

Just out of curiosity, where are you doing your exchange? I'm actually not in Nagoya at the moment, but I studied at Nanzan University last year. If luck would have it, I'd like to do my CIR work in the Nagoya/Aichi area, but there's no real guarantee I'll get to work where I want to.
I'm at Kinjo Gakuin (the girls' school). I want to come back to Nagoya too. I really think I'm a Nagoya person now (one stage short of growing my hair long and perming it like every other girl round here!!)
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