Thread: Get me to Japan
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02-27-2008, 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by anrakushi View Post
ignore what tifa said about the signs, completely uneducated comment on the topic and there is a valid reason why those signs exist, one that i'm not totally against.

basically your only real option outside of finishing a degree is to get a working holiday visa. the regular work visa has a requirement that you must have completed a 4 year university degree (of equivalent, such as a 3 year if that is the standard bachelor time period in your country as it is for some degrees in Australia)

some people have got around this but it is not something i would count on. so either get yourself the working holiday visa or finish your degree then get over there. there are plenty of threads that have discussed this topic already.
Thank you so much. I appreciate all of your help. I am new to here so will look for the prior discussions
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