02-28-2008, 06:09 PM
Is it alright if I make some corrections?
It is important to make sure to write the correct romaji when writing Japanese words. An "OU" vs an "O" would make all the difference in some words.
動力(どうりょく、DOURYOKU) = power, energy
努力(どりょく、DORYOKU) = effort
I'll start with samauf's quote of kuroneko's post:
10 = JUU (Although I think you got it, but just posting here for reference.)
Are you all right? = DAIJOUBU DESU KA? (It is important to note that unless you know the person, simply saying "DAIJOUBU KA" will be considered rude.)
What time is it now? = IMA NANJI DESU KA? (You don't need the NI. )
weekends = SHUUMATSU (週末=しゅうまつ)
movie = EIGA (映画=えいが)
I did various things this weekend. = この週末にはいろんなことをしました。
The last sentence is pretty good. Keep up the good work Kuroneko -- I commend your efforts. 
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