Originally Posted by Masato
OK, so if my name, Joseph, means "god will enlarge," what would be my true Japanese name? One site I found said it would simply be "Jo," but I'm not convinced.
For example, if I took the name "Amy," it's meaning is "beloved." This person's Japanese name could be "Suki," which has the same meaning "beloved." (At least the website I found tells me that it means "beloved." ^^
I am not a big fan of trying to manipulate Western names into Japanese this way, as what you get is gibberish. My Japanese friends often laugh about translating thier names into English, as they sound like old Native American names. "Hi, I'm Mr. In-The-River." "Nice to meet you, In-The-River, I'm Ms. Small-Beautiful-Well."
Those aren't names in English. and "Suki" isn't a name in Japanese. Best stick with your katakana name and be happy with that.