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Osamukundesu (Offline)
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What did you want to be when you were a child? And did you achieve it? - 03-01-2008, 12:10 PM

Almost everyone has had a childhood dream job, whether it be a police man, a fire fighter, or a dustbin cleaner (each to their own :P). But as people get older it seems that the dream job will remain a dream... basically what I wanted to ask is what was YOUR childhood dream job? And whether or not you've been able to fulfill it (working in the same field).

I personally wanted to become an actor (and still do!) but as I've got older I was released to the harsh realities I would have to overcome to achieve my goal (the risk of being a failed actor and other such possibilities). And although now my dream was somewhat less passionate than it once was, it is all I've REALLY wanted to do... I didn't achieve a desirable grade in drama at GCSE level so I dropped it and took the absolute converse subjects (3 math subjects and Enlglish literature (this subject isn't actually too far off) at A-level)... I've got a little over a year before I will head off to uni and end up studying a subject between maths and physics, which almost makes my dream seem unattainable. I've tried to convince myself, despite what I will study in the future that I will have a chance to still do my dream job, and have my degree in whatever I study as a back up plan. So if I do fail in acting (I know, not a good mentality to have!) I will always be able to get a decent job with something else...

But what I really want to do is read your about others dreams and whether or not you have achieved it... or if indeed you have a found a job which is better for you?
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