Originally Posted by Osamukundesu
hehe, I guess I also enjoy languages and till an extent psychology... but I'm not any good at them and have no real knowledge on those subjects, but loads of my friends take such subjects so we talk about it sometimes, quite fun stuff...
The part I can't agree with you is when you say "questioning facts and make up theorys and explain them with weird numbers." ... I want to know which facts we actually question? And if they are indeed facts we wouldn't try disprove them! Further more if the math is correct and makes sense, which can be displayed as 'weird numbers' then we didn't 'make' the theories, we just discovered them... we can't make REAL math up! (just discover it!)
Also I'm glad Shiningmonkey you are achieving your goal! Good stuff! 
Yep. heh, everything is fact for me, sorry. Hope you know what I meant..