Here are some things I would advise to get a hold of if you are self teaching yourself:
Japanese for busy people (book) - Kana Workbook (for the revised 3rd edition)
(this will teach you both Hiragana and Katakana with nice little exercises, efficiently! Costs around £10-12 or $20 or so...)
Kodansha's furigana Japanese dictionary (book)
(brilliant dictionary with Japanese to English and English to Japanese ~ although you will need to be able to read Hiri and Kata, and being able to read Kanji will help to benefit most from it (I can't read Kanji yet and I'm fine so far :P). It costs approximately £35 or $60 USD, expensive, but worth it!)
Pimsleur - Japanese (audio)
(learn to speak Japanese with this quite efficiently I should think (I've used and still am using it to learn Japanese (there are 3 CDs in total) not sure about price, I got the first CD for free and the other 2 I acquired

I also have a book on Japanese particles, but not sure if it is exactly suitable to a complete beginer... but after you've got to grips with basic Japanese it will help to be able to distinguish between all your ga's and wa's and stuff, which I still am not completely confident with...
Anyway... hope this will help

if anything you should just get the Pimsleur audio CDs to start off with, or any other audio learning thingies

but I've only used Pimsleur... if it is much trouble to get them on CD I'm sure you could, as I did acquire them off the internet somewhere *sighs* >.<