03-02-2008, 03:27 AM
I really liked the idea of the show...I was confused, though, but like EveV said, you have to watch it over and over and that's exactly what I did. I must say, it was a little depressing, though. Every time something bad happened I was like, "Nooo!!!" I was literally yelling at the screen...that is when I was awake and paying attention. I mostly watched it going to bed. [I have to have a tv or radio on when I go to sleep, or I get freaked.] But yeah, I loved the complexity, hated the gloomyness. And the mental illnesses made it even better. I'm all into psychology and stuff. I really wanted to take psychology class next year but the stupid school's a dorky schedule-ruin-upper. D=
+ Summer '08 +
[[cause it's gonna be hot]]
