Originally Posted by Konata
Do not order. The chances of you buying something of crap quality is THIS HUGE. Just play it safe, please? TO MAKE IT CLEAR FOR ANY OF YOU OUT THERE PLANNING ON PURCHASING LOLITA CLOTHING! Check out Livejournal's community, egl. It's awesome, and by looking through the memories you'll learn THIS much! Anyone who's lazy enough not to do it, read onwards. Do not purchase from eBay, Cosmates, Visusky, or basically any site that has clothing that looks like it wouldn't be featured on the front page of Gothic and Lolita Bible. That mook has recently been released in English in many countries, try looking for it! It really has some great tips to being the cutest lolita in history. And take Novala's word seriously. He's not a joke to be taken lightly. Those are RULES to follow he's reciting. ... Though that's a matter of opinion. That's for lifestyle lolita, which you can learn more about from egl. Any questions that are not answered through LJseek or the memories of the egl community, can be posted right on the community. They're friendly and nice guys, ready to help.
For you lazy buttocks, here's a link.
Can you please change your font? It hurts my eyes...