Thread: Visa
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jasonbvr (Offline)
Posts: 771
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Location: Japan
03-03-2008, 03:32 AM

Check and see if Italy and Japan have a holiday work visa agreement like Australia and England have. It is easier to get than a proper work visa. How long is the program? Are you going to be getting paid for the internship? I doubt since they are a law firm that it is possible, but you could just work on a tourist visa for up to three months. The problem however is that by law they must submit the visa status of all foreign workers. I would to the organisation or your school for help. Also you will want to ask how you could qualify for the Specialist in Humanities/International Services visa. This will probably be the easiest work visa for you to obtain. But for the company to sponsor your visa they must demonstrate that they are paying you a sustainable income in order to live in Japan. If the internship is unpaid, they can't really sponsor a work visa.
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