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junkomi (Offline)
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Describe a picture! - 03-03-2008, 06:25 AM

I'm a native japanese girl learning English.
Here's an activity to improve language skill.
Let's describe the picture in Japanese or English!!If anyone want me correct, I will help you as long as too many responses don't come. Write your demand in your submit!
If anyone find my mistakes in English, please PM me or tell me in the thread. I'll edit my submit even later.

A young girl(this is not me!) is lying on a bed and closing eyes. Whiskers and nose drawn like a cat is on her face. A chinese character which means "king" is on her forehead.
Arround her mouth is dirty as if she was pigging out until now. 4 bottles are surrounding her,although one of them is full of contents, the others are empty.

Beginer can say even one sentence, bin ga yonhon arimasu
Intermidiate can say more!
I hope everyone enjoys this thread!!

Last edited by junkomi : 03-03-2008 at 12:43 PM.
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