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Lauryn (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 2
Join Date: Mar 2008
Moving to Japan (Questions) - 03-04-2008, 12:39 AM

So right now I'm 19 and renting an apartment from my father (it's on the same property as the main house). The reason I am paying my own rent is to build financial credit and learn to be independent. However, my dad's company is moving him from his current location (California) to Japan and ideally I would like to move with him.

So my first question is, if I do not have a degree or very proficient Japanese language skills will I be able to move there with him since I am over 18? Right now I make my money selling handmade clothes and accessories in my online store and I would like to continue to do the exact same work but I am not sure if I would need a work visa and who to file taxes with. Where he will be working is very out of the way and I'd like to live closer to the city. He has the money to purchase a place for me upfront (without needing a loan) that I could rent from him (like my current situation) but obviously this would all depend on if they would even let me stay in Japan for more then the allotted 90 day tourist stay to begin with.

I have relatives (on my mother's side) in Japan (who are Japanese citizens) and have been to Japan many times before (although the last time I was there was in June/July 2007 for almost a month) and was wondering if that would even mean anything.

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