Yours Rightfully Insolent
Posts: 1,946
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Happily ever after ^_^
03-05-2008, 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by samokan
hey youre back..
ive made a photo blog of the places ive visited, still need some updates though.. drop by if you have the time..
see yah around 
Holy mackerelman! Samo-san, your website rules! It's gonna turn everyone into otaku at this rate xD
I'm so gonna deck myself in one of those vibrant kimono O_O Might pass off as a lil lady and a cute one at that =D
Cosplayers... hmm... Though L's the easiest, that guy's good. I have to say the pair of Athrun and Lacus doesn't really leave much of an impression.. or if it does..
Gotta love the ice-sculpture of the geisha and the architecture of the "Rose Garden" thing too. ^^
~~~~~~~~~~ On a more relevant note ~~~~~~~~~~~
Location(L) Opening(OP) Estimated Best Viewing(EBV)
L: Tokyo OP: March 27 EBV: April 2 - 11
L: Kyoto OP: March 31 EBV: April 6 - 15
L: Niigata OP: April 12 EBV: April 18 - 25
L: Nagano OP: April 17 EBV: April 23 - 30
L: Kanazawa OP: April 7 EBV: April 13 - 21
L: Nagoya OP: March 29 EBV: April 4 - 13
L: Osaka OP: April 1 EBV: April 6 - 15
L: Nara OP: April 3 EBV: April 8 - 17
L: Hiroshima OP: March 31 EBV: April 5 - 14
L: Fukuoka OP: March 28 EBV: April 3 - 12
L: Kagoshima OP: April 1 EBV: April 6 - 14
Acknowledegements: Cherry Blossoms (Sakura)
P.S. hopefully I posted this in time, or..? ^^;
There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
Last edited by CoolNard : 03-05-2008 at 03:30 PM.