I have oodles of names for you.

I didn't do any home work on them. I know a few have cool meanings but I just chose them because I thought they sounded cool. Feel free to mix and match between first names and surnames. I just had fun with it.
Trayven Malachite
Cadamus Blair
Weiland Cusack
Layre Santiago
Draven Kovac
Kaige Alarcon
Gryphon Blackburn
Armaranth Renaud
Deegan Stephano
Morpheus Ryddell
Braelyn Roke
Halcyone Brandis
Amaris Drummond
Zephyrus Sorrell
Undin Cain
Greyden LaCroix
Quinton Lochlan
Drae Staricoff
Creegan Drury
Kieran Sanguinetti
Drayden Ramirez
Kaythen Gryphon