Ikaga desu ka!?
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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03-06-2008, 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by EveV
Yea their sooo cute.
Especially the chicks. Big tits o.o
You mean like a natural honey tan?
I have one of those! But when I'm hot I turn into a tomato. >>
I never really thought about what skin color I prefer..
I guess I like them all.
XDDDDD Yup thats one thing i can agree with but I like girls whos breast fit there body type, you know not too big and not too small just enough cushion.
Yea like asian women have beautiful honey tans just right there not to dark and not to light ^_________^. They have that creamy color.
Hahahahaha I like it when people turn red its cute one of my frineds is like that when you tickle her she get all pinkish red XDDDDD.
Oh and i forgot to metion I like it when girls have there natural eye brows I can't stand make up like drawn on eye brows and really dark make up thats caked on makes me sick to my stomach Q_Q.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.
Last edited by Hyakushi : 03-06-2008 at 12:42 AM.